Mastering Practical PCB Antenna Design

Mastering Practical PCB Antenna Design

Do you and your company need to design or implement practical antennas (e.g., WiFi, Bluetooth, or others) on your product PCBs correctly? But you are not quite sure how to help your company through the process? In this course you will get the necessary fundamental and practical knowledge and tools.
You will acquire adequate practical knowledge and skills to accurately design and implement basic PCB antennas on products.
The fundamental theory, method and technology used are based on research results, practical examples and experiences, which together ensure you the latest knowledge and skills in the field of practical PCB
antenna designs efficiently.
The course will emphasize close dialogue between participants and the teachers. It consists of basic theory, practical tools, and exercises.
9220 Aalborg øst
Teaching room 1.300
Wednesday 12 November 2025
Thursday 13 November 2025
Coffee and bread roll will be served from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM on each course day, and for lunch a buffet at the AAU Campus canteen. In the afternoon coffee and cake will be served.
Course program
For further information about the course, please contact:
Professor Gert Frølund Pedersen
Business Developer for Continuing Education, Jette Andersen
Cellphone: (+45) 6196 7088